Momo, an Australian Shepherd and Amy, a pony, live together with numerous other four-legged friends and seven chickens in Ines’yard. Their names represent the charitable association for therapeutic riding "Momo & Amy", that enables access to riding therapy for needy children and young people.
Ines Werner (sports therapist and highly expieriencedriding instructor) from Karlsruhe Grischa Ludwig (multiple European Champion andnamesake of Ludwig Quarter Horses (LQH)) from Bitz Alexandra Suikat (lawyer) and Ralph Suikat (entrepreneur from Karlsruhe) have great things ahead of them.
A stallion also plays a major role: “Ghwiz” called “I’m Smart” or simply “Roxxter” (known by insiders as “Spook”), is a Young American Quarter Horse .Born on March 11th 2009 the stallion is still at the beginning of hiscareer, has its own Facebook page and has a very well known mother. Roxy (aka“Whizard’s Baby Doll”) and the rider Stacy Westfall are well known in theWestern riding Scene.
The Goal of our association is to give a variety of ill or underprivileged children and young people access to theraputic horseback riding. Depending on the clinicalpicture, such therapy can support the healing process, and assist young People in developing self-awareness despite their difficult situation. Perhaps most importantly, the youngsters can take a few hours holiday away from their illness and enter into an enriching social interaction with equally large and kind hearted creatures.
A primary focus of the association is the support of children with cancer. Adults inneed of such support are also granted access to riding therapy. The leaders of Momo & Amy want to make a stand for greater compassion and solidarity in an increasingly competitive society.
Grischa Ludwig supports the project by, amongst other things, waiving his share ofprize money for a good cause. He also trains Roxxter at a special rate for thecompetitions. "It’s a matter of honor" he says, "I am pleased that with my strengths I can contribute in such an important way for the children and for the sport itself. Especially since riding therapy has been around me for my whole life".
Ines Werner is thrilled to be able to lease the talented stallion forsuch an affordable price. "It’s unreal that we are able to have Roxxter for such a low monthly fee for the needs of Momo & Amy." The association receives 100% of the prize money that Roxxter earns. The use of Roxxter in riding therapy is every bit as important. All fixed costs, including those for insurance and for keeping the horse fit and healthy are borne by the owner.
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Momo&Amy gemeinnütziger Verein für therapeutisches Reiten e. V. , Karlsruhe